The Warrior's Prayer

Posted by Anonymous | | Posted On Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 5:00 PM

Taking a two minute break from calculus, I was reminded of a wonderful poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar which really affected me months ago, and still resonates to this day. Dunbar was an excellent poet who had a huge impact on African American culture, famous for writing Sympathy - a heavily influential poem on Maya Angelou, which is where the title 'I Know Why The Cage Bird' sings comes from. Also importantly to me, he wrote a good amount of Christian poems which I find to be excellent.

This one in particular I have always enjoyed, and I love it's main line: Strength for the fight. So often I believe we find ourselves in such a weakened state - weary from the world, or from personal problems, or from ourselves. However, we are not called here to be alone on our own two feet! Surely, if that was so, we would find ourselves falling countless times. Instead, if we call upon God to give us strength, we will receive it. Only then can we truly stand against anything. It is important to gain the independence from the world through the dependence on God.

Long since, in sore distress, I heard one pray,

"Lord, who prevailest with resistless might,

Ever from war and strife keep me away,

My battles fight!"

I know not if I play the Pharisee,

And if my brother after all be right;

But mine shall be the warrior's plea to thee--

Strength for the fight.

I do not ask that thou shalt front the fray,

And drive the warring foeman from my sight;

I only ask, O Lord, by night, by day,

Strength for the fight!

When foes upon me press, let me not quail

Nor think to turn me into coward flight.

I only ask, to make mine arms prevail,

Strength for the fight!

Still let mine eyes look ever on the foe,

Still let mine armor case me strong and bright;

And grant me, as I deal each righteous blow,

Strength for the fight!

And when, at eventide, the fray is done,

My soul to Death's bedchamber do thou light,

And give me, be the field or lost or won,

Rest from the fight!


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