All Is Vanity

Posted by Drew Coffman | | Posted On Monday, November 9, 2009 at 10:20 AM

- C. Allan Gilbert

Ecclesiastes 1:2 -
Vapor of vapors and futility of futilities, says the Preacher. Vapor of vapors and futility of futilities! All is vanity - emptiness, falsity, and vainglory."

Having just recently written about Ecclesiastes, I once again find myself drawn to the book - and the same verses - this time with different context. The book so well describes the struggle of finding emptiness as opposed to fulfillment - and that struggle is not only found when futility attempting to attain worldly accomplishment, but in all aspects of life as well.

Our lives being decidedly finite, we must conclude what we are living for - and if our actions match up with our motives. This world is unquestionably centered on appearance and beauty, and this too is meaningless. The end of vanity is not a new concept, and has been touched on artistically time and time again. It is, however, a concept we seem to forget. Or perhaps, more truthfully, ignore. The author of Ecclesiastes calls on us to never forget it. To instead, live in total acknowledgment to it. Wisdom says that we will have to face these facts sooner or later - and the greater choice is to do it in youth.

This is why that death to ourselves and our ideals is so necessary - to come to terms with the vanity which is overlaid on the world and our actions. All around us in vanity - excess in appearance, in performance, in action, in function . . . in literally every area.

Do we choose to ignore the fact, and revel in the vanity? Or do we choose to understand it, remove ourselves, and live from another kingdom altogether?

Vapors never last.


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