Posted by Anonymous | | Posted On Monday, July 23, 2007 at 5:47 PM
- Tintoretto
The Last Supper is a familiar subject not only biblically, but artistically. Leonardo's rendition of the painting is one of the most well known paintings the world over, but it is certainly not the only version. Tintoretto's depiction is much different from Leonardo's, as his style is much more emotional than the well known logical and orderly feast. In Tintoretto's version, angels appear along with Jesus and His disciples, showing us not only our material world but the spiritual world hidden in the background. The light shining around Jesus seems to penetrate through the unseen boundary, connecting the worlds as only He can.
I've never thought about the last supper like that. That's really SuPer!
Hey I really like that, haha.
Especially the way you can see the spiritual world, too.
woah thats cool.
imagine if our eyes could always see the spiritual world, would there always be angels and stuff around or do you think sometimes it would be like normal... as in just the materialistic stuff??
i love your passion for art. the LORD has certainly blessed you with great insight, depth and appreciation for it too.
i find it amazing how detailed God is, how specifically He formed us with great and exciting things to be unlocked inside us, but that only happens if we are open to His universe around us. thank you for being open to Him and His creation.
i am proud of you, Drew. you shine brilliantly, youre a beautiful refection of your Creator.
today, i was at the mall.
and there was one of those huge gold necklaces and it was the last supper on it. it was funny. but kinda weird also, how we try to make ourselfs look cool by wearing Jesus. i decided to tell you this story. i hope you enjoyed.
Thats cool man. Lord open our eyes to the spiritual.