- The Lord
Something different - the structure of a molecule. Luciferin is a biochrome substrate rarely found in the world. This particular version of the molecule can be found only in an insect which is both a marvel and a mystery - the firefly. The substrate, when oxidized and used by a particular enzyme, is able to emit light and create bioluminescence. The light is uniquely "cold" as well as incredibly efficient - losing very little energy compared to our forms of light.
The firefly is a beautiful work of creation found in many different environments, and a testament to the fact that God has His hand in all things. The chemical formula above, depicted as art, is just that. A work of art. This world is a beautiful creation, from the light which the firefly produces to the actual base chemicals which create the light. The world is an amazing thing at all levels, and it is always clearly evident that the hand behind it all is masterful and magnificent.
As Psalm 139 proclaims, we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.
Cool post!
The truth of creation expresses the thought that everything existing outside of God has been called into existence by Him.
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. -Revelation 4.11
The wisdom you have man is so awesome! I just read that section and what a blessing that HE made us the we are. Blessed is the LOrd for Real!!!!
yep... i did it.
Man, God is cool. The Miller guy who wrote The Table of Inwardness talks about how creation is screaming with His presence and how when we move we are pressing up against God while He is flowing through us. I love that idea. That He is in the very air around me, yet He is residing in the depths of my soul right now. When I got saved, Psalm 139 was my favorite, and the other half of it is how we can never escape Him. Awesome.
need. new. post.