King Hezekiah

Posted by Drew Coffman | | Posted On Monday, May 25, 2009 at 6:06 PM

- El Escorial

King Hezekiah (Ezechias, on the right) has been on my mind frequently over the past couple of weeks, for the various events which He is known for in the Bible. A very human king, it is my opinion that Hezekiah is notable for one thing - His prayers. These prayers left him remembered not as another cog in the never-ending line of kings, but something more. Someone who was connected to God in a way which was admirable, and testified to the fact that God is someone who cares for his people in wondrous ways.

His ability to be a just ruler ebbed and flowed with his ability to stay faithful and true to the Lord. God moved and did amazing things in his life when he would humble himself and examine who he was in contrast to his Maker. Huge miracles consistently answered his prayers, creating unity and independence for his people and at one point literally lengthening his life. When he became prideful, both he and his people would suffer.

There is a valuable lesson to be learned from Hezekiah. We are all human, and make mistakes on a consistent basis. We put too much weight in ourselves and our own ability, forgetting the miracles which God and only God can perform - and will perform for us.

Isaiah 38:5-6 -
"This is what the Lord, the God of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will rescue you and this city from the king of Assyria. Yes, I will defend this city."


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