The Denial of St. Peter

Posted by Drew Coffman | | Posted On Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 1:49 PM

- Gerrit van Honthorst

After recently going through 1 Peter, then 2 Peter, then 2 Peter again quite a few times, I was really blown away with who Peter became throughout his lifelong walk with Christ. I sometimes find it very easy to separate teaching figures in the Bible and forget they had past mistakes, and Peter is a great example. Only lately have I really been grasping what it means that the same man who gives us great wisdom also repeatedly showed his fear, shame, and insecurities to the world while walking beside Jesus.

Peter is such a great encouragement to me, because He wasn't so great. Not only did he fear, but he feared to the point of literally denying Jesus. I think we should look at that and see the similarities in our lives, and then look at the rest of his life to see what great things he accomplished afterwards, and how we can do the same.

Because Peter understood that his life wasn't perfect. He understood that his faith wasn't "on" or "off." Instead, he realized that "you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." That, and that alone, is just what he did. I'm going to try and follow that excellent example.


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